The Alchemist..

Noted as one book that everyone should read, I was fortunate enough to be able to have that opportunity in class. Personally, the book was a little hard to get into because I was so busy with classes, but managed to find time to read it. It is the story of a boy and his journey to fulfill his Personal Legend. One of the main points in recitation was what our Personal Legend is. As the boys was to go to the Pyramids, I feel as if mine is a less tangible and more complex.

My personal legend is to be a legend. I want to be someone who women in the agricultural industry look up to as a role model and as someone who has broken the image of the cattle industry being predominately male orientated. I want to be someone that young women at shows look up to and think , wow, I want to be like her. I want to leave an impact on the cattle industry in a positive way, and be someone that inspires others to do the same. I don’t want to travel to Bora Bora, or see the 7 wonders of the world, I want to leave a Legacy.

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