What I’ve Gained

This semester has been an awesome experience at Iowa State, and being a Hixson scholar. I’ve been able to be part of such an amazing community and it’s something I’ll never forget. The memories made in recitation, or some of the speakers in class will forever be etched in my memory. This semester has made me realize one of the most scariest things ever. I don’t know if I want to be an embryologist anymore. I have thought about being teacher, working in marketing, I’ve had a few thoughts on solely farming, and mass communications.  I have the opportunity to do whatever I want! It’s been a great experience, and I’m so thankful I have a supportive group of people who are willing to help me achieve whatever I would like. I’ve gained so much more than a great group of friends, and I will miss them all. Thank you.

Mikala 🙂

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